Community Solar

Suntrail Energy is proud to be one of the first community solar subscriber organizations within the state of Maryland and Washington DC. Today, many American households do not have access to solar because they live in multi-tenant buildings, have roofs that are unable to host a solar system, are renters or experience some other mitigating factor. Community solar provides homeowners and renters equal access to the economic and environmental benefits of solar energy generation regardless of the physical attributes or ownership of their residence. Community solar expands access to solar for all, including in particular low-to-moderate income customers most impacted by a lack of access, all while building a stronger, distributed, and more resilient electric grid. 

Join Our Community Solar Program

IT’S EASY! Visit our Community Solar Marketplace, select either an existing project or one of the early registration portals for your specific utility service territory, then complete the Sign Up form. Click the below image to visit our Community Solar Marketplace:

How Our Community Solar Program Works

Suntrail Energy operates several local community solar facilities. Homeowners or renters sign up to be a subscriber. Within 90 days after enrollment, subscribers will receive a credit on their monthly utility bill based on their allocated amount of solar energy. Our subscribers can expect a 10% savings for participating in our community solar program.

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Community Solar FAQs

What does it cost to sign up?

There are no sign up, membership or subscription fees with our
community solar program.

Can I still sign up if I already have rooftop solar?

Yes. As long as you do not exceed 200% of your annual energy usage
in Maryland, or 120% of your annual energy usage in Washington DC.

Will I still have a utility bill?

Most likely, yes. You will be charged for any additional energy
consumed off the grid as well as standard utility customer charges.

Do I need a special meter to be a subscriber?

No. The existing meter at your property will support your subscription.

Will I save money?

Yes. Our discount plan guarantees 10% savings on solar credits applied
to your utility bill. If you receive $100 in solar credits, you pay Suntrail $90.

Where can I find my credits on my utility bill?

Look in the "Details of your Electric Charges" section. Your bill will list each community solar “CNM” credit on a separate line.